Dr. Wan-Lei Zhao

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  Computing Multimedia Lab

Depart. of Computer Science and Engineering

Faculty of Information Science, Xiamen University


        Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information

    Wan-lei Zhao received his Bachelor degree of Eng. and Master degree of Eng. from Yunnan University, China in Jul. 2002, Nov. 2005 respectively. During his graduate study, he was with Software Institute of Chinese Academy as an exchange student from Oct. 2003 to Oct. 2004. During that period, his research focus was on optimizing clustering approaches such as k-means and Mean-shift. During the PhD study, he was under the supervision of Prof. Chong-Wah Ngo, his research focus is on large-scale near-duplicate video detection. He received PhD degree on Nov. 2010 from City University of Hong Kong.

        He worked at University of Kaiserslautern, Germany from Feb. 2011 to Jun. 2012 as a post-doc. During this period, he was under the supervision of Dr. Prof. Thomas M. Breuel. From Jul. 2012 to Dec. 2013, he was with INRIA, France as a post-doc, under the supervision of Dr. Herve Jegou and Dr. Gravier Guillaume. His current research focus is multimedia information retrieval.

Enrollment Information

    I have one post-doc enrollment quota, I am looking for talented young researcher who receives his/her Ph.D degree in computer science before July 2025. Please send email to Dr. Zhao if you are interested. For details of the enrollment, please check the HR website of Xiamen University.

Research Interests
  • Multimedia Information retrieval
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine learning

            Research works shown in slides

Projects on GitHub
  • Traditional local interest point detectors and descriptors LIP-VIREO
  • k-means and its variants xkmeans
  • Indexing graph construction and graph-based fast NN search TSDG
  • Product quantizer for fast NN search product-quantizer
  • Mean shift for image shading and segmentation Mean-shift

Selected Publications
  • Near-duplicate Image/Video Detection
    1. Fast tracking of near-duplicate keyframes in broadcast domain with transitivity propagation, ACM Conf. on Multimedia, 2006, the 2nd author
    2. Scale-rotation invariant pattern entropy for keypoint-based near-duplicate detection, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2009, the 1st author
    3. Large-scale near-duplicate web video search: Challenge and opportunity, IEEE ICME, 2009, the 1st author
    4. On the annotation of web videos by efficient near-duplicate search, IEEE Trans. on Multimeida, 2010, the 1st author
    5. Flip-Invariant SIFT for Copy and Object Detection, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2013, the 1st author
    6. Near-duplicate keyframe identification with interest point matching and pattern learning, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2007, the 1st author
    7. Oriented pooling for dense and non-dense rotation-invariant features, BMVC, 2013, the 1st author
    8. Sim-Min-Hash: An efficient matching technique for linking large image collections, ACM Multimedia, 2013, the 1st author
  • Machine Learnig
    1. k-means: A revisit, Neurocomputing, 2018, the 1st author
    2. A joint model for IT operation series prediction and anomaly detection, Neurocomputing, 2021, the 2nd author*
    3. k-sums clustering: a stochastic optimization approach, ACM CIKM, 2021, the 1st author*
    4. Fast k-Means Based on k-NN Graph, IEEE ICDE, 2018, the 2nd author*
    5. Online Deep Metric Learning via Mutual Distillation, IEEE ICME, 2022, the 2nd author*
  • Fast Indexing
    1. Approximate k-NN Graph Construction: A Generic Online Approach, IEEE Trans. on Multimeida, 2021, the 1st author*
    2. On the merge of k-NN graph, IEEE Trans. on Big Data, 2021, the 1st author*
    3. Fast k-NN Graph Construction by GPU based NN-Descent, ACM CIKM, 2021, the 2nd author*
  • Computer Vision
    1. Towards Accurate Localization by Instance Search, ACM Conf. on Multimedia, 2021, the 3rd author*
    2. Deeply Activated Salient Region for Instance Search, ACM TOMM, 2022, the 2nd author*
    3. Instance search based on weakly supervised feature learning, Neurocomputing, 2020, the 2nd author*
    4. Dynamic sampling for deep metric learning, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2021, the 2nd author*
    5. Instance search via instance level segmentation and feature representation, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021, the 2nd author*

             The full publication list can be found from his Google Scholar website


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