C Language Programming


    This course is targeted to the first year undergraduate, who has zero background knowledge about computer or computer programming. It covers the subjects such as binary mathematics, branch clauses, loops, arrays, pre-compilation commands, structure types and bit operations. This course also covers the basic knowledge about make and cmake, which are the indipensable tools to build big C/C++ projects.

Lecturer: Dr. Wan-Lei Zhao
Syllabus and Slides
        Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer and Programming [slides]
        Lecture 2: Binary, Octal and hexadexical Codes, Data Types and Basic Operators [slides]
        Lecture 3: Sequential and Conditional Control [slides]
        Lecture 4: Loops [slides]
        Lecture 5: Functions and Macros [slides]
        Lecture 6: Array and String [slides]
        Lecture 7: struct, union and enum [slides]
        Lecture 8: Pointers [slides]
        Lecture 9: File Operation [slides]
        Lecture 10: Bitwise Operation [slides]
        Lecture 11: make and Makefile [slides]
        Problem set
Slides maintained on GitHub